Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

In the midst of my busyness

Di tengah - tengah kesibukan saya mempersiapkan bahan pengajaran untuk kelas yang akan saya ajar nanti saya menyempatkan diri untuk mengunjungi 2 blog teranyar dari saya :) 
Sembari menulis di blog saya yang satunya (berisikan perjalanan cinta saya dan pasangan), saya kembali berpikir dan merenung satu pertanyaan yang sampai sekarang saya masih belum bisa temukan jawabannya. What am I doing now and why I'm doing this?
Cerita mengenai kesepian yang saya tuliskan kemarin juga membuat saya kembali menanyakan pertanyaan di atas. Apa yang saya lakukan di tempat saya sekarang dan mengapa saya perlu mengajar?
Saya seorang pemudi yang baru saja menjadi guru. Ini adalah tahun pertama saya dan saya merasakan hal yang sangat berat sekali. Kemudian timbul juga masalah yang sangat memengaruhi saya di tengah-tengah masa penyesuaian saya ketika menjadi guru.
Whatever it is... Hal yang saya lakukan sekarang satu-satunya adalah untuk menjalani semuanya dengan sebaik - baiknya. I just believe in one thing that whatever it is God will always be with me.

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

The Feeling of Being Alone

What would you do when you feel that you don't have someone that really close to you? That is what I felt now. All started with L-O-V-E. Love should be a most wanted word for everyone in this world. With love we could feel happy and joy all the time. But my love brought me to the condition of being alone in the midst of my friends. I fall in love with my friend's ex-boyfriend and my friends got mad at me. One of them even called me crazy woman and cold-hearted woman. What is the meaning of all this things?
Did I take the responsibility of being fall in love with someone? Was it a mistake to have a relationship with her ex-boyfriend?

Still wondering about it until now. They even didn't have any relationship again. I even didn't cheat her. I even communicate with her ex-boyfriend after they broke up. Then why her got mad at me and didn't want to talk to me anymore? The worse part, she even influenced people around us to not have any relationship with me anymore. Here, my loneliness started. I have no more friends in a boarding house where she and I live. Yes, unfortunately we live in the same house. Can you imagine how it feels? Thanks to God now I got used to it. I didn't have any communication anymore with her and other friends in our house. I tried to cope with my loneliness by myself now.

The Beginning of My Journey

This is the beginning of my journey. In the midst of my busyness as a newbie full-timer teacher, I tried to create a blog. I have so many thoughts in my mind that I think I can't handle by my self. This made me decide that I have to open a place where people could read what are there in my thought and perhaps give some responds to it. I also hope that my blog could be an inspiration to someone out there. Guys, if you have so many times or stuck in the middle of your busyness just come and visit my blog perhaps we could share something.